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Women's Health & Wellness Panel

February 10, 2021 at 5:00:00 PM

The panel will feature a nurse practitioner, registered dietician, and attorney mental health expert to discuss how we can continue to pursue health, wellness, and balance during these stressful times.


Lorri Kercher, MSN, CRNP - Lorri is a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner with a focus on functional medicine. February is American Heart Month, and Lorri will discuss the functional medicine approach to heart health and how our cardiac health is intrinsically tied to our hormones, gut health, lifestyle, mindset and genetics.

Devin Steele, RD, CSOWM, LD - Devin is a registered and licensed dietitian and a Board Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management. Devin is the owner of Steele Nutrition, where she implements evidence-based practice into virtual nutrition counseling with a focus on balance.

Larry Krieger, JD - Professor Krieger co-directs the externship program at the Florida State University College of Law. He is internationally recognized for his research on the well-being, satisfaction, values, and motivations of lawyers. Professor Krieger will focus on mental health and wellness, specific to attorneys and their stressors.

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