FAWL Listening Tour
Join TWL and FAWL President Jenny Sieg for an update on all things FAWL!
Time & Location
Nov 17, 2021, 3:30 PM
About the event
Join TWL and FAWL President Jenny Sieg on November 17, 2021 for FAWL's Listening Tour! Ms. Sieg will give a brief orientation on FAWL, what FAWL can do for you and your practice, and FAWL's outlook for 2021-2022. We'll discuss the history of FAWL and its mission, overview FAWL's Membership Advancement Program, and learn about grants, awards, and other member benefits. Time will also be set aside for questions and answers. The meeting has been approved for 1.0 General CLE Credits and 1.0 Bias Elimination Credits.
Advanced registration is NOT required, simply follow this link at the start of the program: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2248285744?pwd=NmtHSjY1SXQ5QWNEWTRwdFZabEltUT09
Click here to add the event to your calendar: https://0e88d985-6b15-4366-b90c-0b8a911c48a2.usrfiles.com/ugd/0e88d9_3c7565ccede741b2abcd04761dc91275.ics